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If you're hesitating, or trying GoCopy for the first time, do not worry. We've got answers for all your questions.
How does the 7-day Trial work?

After the 7-day trial period ends, you can choose a subscription plan that is right for you, and make payments through a secure online system. You can choose to cancel your subscription anytime.

What happens after the trial?

After the 7-day trial period ends, you can choose a subscription plan that is right for you, and make payments through a secure online system. You can choose to cancel your subscription anytime.

What happens if I hit my plan's word limit?

The $79/mo Starter Plan comes with 12,000 words and $99/mo Pro Plan comes with 50,000 words written by GoCopy. If you meet your plan's limit in 30 days, you have two options: Option 1: Upgrade to a higher monthly limit
Scale up your plan as your content needs grow. The price per word decreases as you scale up. Unused words do not roll over to the next month.
Option 2: Wait until your credits renew at the start of your next billing cycle.

Is the AI generated content original?

The content that GoCopy generates is 100% original content that doesn't repeat itself and passes plagiarism tests. The content generated is free and clear for publication.

Is GoCopy.io a mobile or desktop app?

GoCopy is an online app that you will access through your browser at gocopy.io.

What's the fastest way to learn how to use GoCopy?

While it sounds difficult to write with AI, it is actually quite simple. We have full video tutorials for every tool, this is available in the app under the help section.

Does GoCopy write in other languages?

GoCopy can read and write in over 31 languages by translating using DeepL.The languages supported include: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian. Swedish, Chinese.

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Top rated AI tool